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History 200E: Latinos, Labor, and Migration
Digital Archives
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History 200E: Latinos, Labor, and Migration
Guide for finding resources to complete assignments for History 200E
Getting Started
Library Resources
Secondary Sources
Primary Sources
Digital Archives
Digital Archives
Additional Resources
Digital Archives
Bracero History Archive
Southern Oral History Program
Voces Oral History Project
Samuel Proctor Oral History Program Digital Collection
UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Archival Projects
Documents of Latin American and Latino Art
Border Studies Archive
The Documented Border: An Open Access Digital Archive
Chicana Diasporic
Latina(o) Cultural Heritage Archives
500 años de México en documentos
Cuban Heritage Collection (Links to an external site.)
Centro Archive's Digital Collections (Links to an external site.)
Cesar Chavez and UFW (FBI) (Links to an external site.)
La Colección Puertorriqueña (Links to an external site.)
Cuban Rafter Phenomenon (Links to an external site.)
Delis Negrón Digital Archive (Links to an external site.)
Digital Library of the Caribbean (Links to an external site.)
Farmworker Movement Documentation Project (Links to an external site.)
Federal Surveillance of the Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño (Links to an external site.)
Gale Primary Sources: Archives Unbound (Links to an external site.)
The National Archives (Links to an external site.)
Hispanic Reading Room @ Library of Congress (Links to an external site.)
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (Links to an external site.)
Independent Voices, An Open Access Collection of an Alternative Press (Links to an external site.)
Mexican Labor and World War II: The Bracero Program (Links to an external site.)
New Mexico Digital Collections (Links to an external site.)
North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries, and Oral Histories (Links to an external site.)
Onda Latina (Links to an external site.)
Roper Center for Public Opinion (Links to an external site.)
Digital Public Library of America (Links to an external site.)
Chicano Database (Links to an external site.)
Documents of Latin American and Latino Art (Links to an external site.)
Archives of American Art (Links to an external site.)
Hemispheric Institute Digital Video Library (Links to an external site.)
Chicago Ethnic Arts Project (Links to an external site.)
Chicano/Latino Art Archive (Links to an external site.)
Latino Cultures in the US (Links to an external site.)
Alternative Press Index (Links to an external site.)
America's Historical Newspapers (Links to an external site.)
Latino Literature: Poetry, Drama, Fiction (Links to an external site.)
Borderlands Archives Cartography (Links to an external site.)
Herman Baca Collection (Links to an external site.)
Hispanic Origin US Census Bureau (Links to an external site.)
The Latina History Project (Links to an external site.)
Puerto Rican Citizenship Archives Project (Links to an external site.)
Black Studies Center (Links to an external site.)
Border and Migration Studies Online (Links to an external site.)
California Ethnic and Multicultural Archives (Links to an external site.)
Center for Southwest Research and Special Collections (Links to an external site.)
Chicano/a Research Collection (Links to an external site.)
Chicano Studies Collection (Links to an external site.)
Chicano Studies Research Center Archival Projects (Links to an external site.)
CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Digital Resources (Links to an external site.)
Julian Samora Library (Links to an external site.)
Latina/o Studies Archival Collections (Links to an external site.)
Latino History Collections @ the Smithsonian (Links to an external site.)
Mexican American Collections @ Stanford (Links to an external site.)
Rocky Mountain Online Archive (Links to an external site.)
Survey of Archives of Latino and Latin American Art
Primary Sources
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