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University Library


Descriptive Metadata for Digitization Projects

This guide outlines metadata considerations for projects digitized in the Digitization Services unit.

Digital Library System Metadata Profiles

The Digital Library System employs collection specific metadata profiles which contain elements based on frequently used metadata schemas, primarily Dublin Core. Individual collections adopt specific elements to best describe their materials within a metadata profile. These metadata profiles can be used by one or more collections, and contain a number of parameters including:

  • A label that is used for display purposes on the access side of the digital library
  • A mapping to Dublin Core for access through the OAI Repository
  • An optional Controlled Vocabulary for elements that should only have values based on the chosen vocabulary
  • Options for searching values within the element, hiding the element, sorting results by the element, and faceting using the element values

To develop a Metadata Profile for your collection in the digital library, please consult with Metadata Librarian Stephanie Luke.