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ALA Carnegie-Whitney Grant Project: Disability Resource Guide Table of Contents: Table of Contents

This guide is a table of contents for disability, assistive technology, and disability theory resource guides.

Introduction to the Project

The Americans with Disabilities Act celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2015 and while many libraries are proud of being ADA compliant, there still is a deficit in resources for and about individuals with disabilities. These resources exist, but are rarely highlighted as an aspect of the library collection. With funding from an American Library Association Carnegie-Whitney Grant, we have created a list of resource guides on various disabilities, disability theory, and assistive technologies in an effort to highlight resources in these areas. These guides are unique because they provide a centralized location for materials on common disabilities, bringing together resources like popular literature, movies, websites, journals, databases and assistive technologies.

Below you will find a list of the guides created under this project:

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