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Urban Agriculture, Vertical Farms, Green Roof Technology, & Urban Foraging: Home

This guide contains various resources about urban agriculture, vertical farms, green roof technology, and urban foraging.

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Urban Agriculture, Vertical Farms, & Green Roof Technology

Welcome to the Funk ACES Library resource site for information relating to urban agriculture, vertical farms, and green roof technology. The tabs above will take you to a variety of resources for students and professionals. Each topic includes relevant books, journals, government resources, and association & organizations. Please place any comments or suggestions in the comment box below. Thanks for using the Funk ACES Library website!

If you are an instructor at UIUC, please email the Funk ACES Library if you would like to see any additional resources or set up a class site.

Green roof on top of Chicago City Hall

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Funk ACES Library
Funk ACES Library, Information and Alumni Center
1101 S. Goodwin, MC-633
Urbana, IL 61801
Reference Desk: 217-244-2249

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