You may be interested in joining a professional organization and checking out their recommended resources for your own professional development. The organizations below are a good place to start.
This is an important organization for anyone seeking a career in theater technology. Especially check out the Library tab for educational resources and the Jobs tab for job postings.
PLASA is the lead international membership body for those who supply technologies and services to the event, entertainment and installation industries.
The SLL welcomes all those who are interested in any aspect of the world of light, lighting, and its applications. Lighting designers, consulting engineers, researchers, students, professors, manufacturers, sales staff; all contribute and all are members of the SLL.
The IES seeks to improve the lighted environment by bringing together those with lighting knowledge and by translating that knowledge into actions that benefit the public.
This organization hosts an annual Drama Desk Awards celebration and preserves various educational forums and panel discussions to its members and the theater-going public.