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University Library


Improving Your Research Skills

This guide will help you improve your research skills through searching library databases, searching Google, and evaluating sources.

What is a Library Database?

Library databases collect resources from a variety of places, including academic journals, magazines, newspapers, and others. You can search a library database to find these resources.


  • Library databases are free through the library website for UIUC students
  • Databases are accessible 24/7, even when the library isn’t open
  • They are a great place to find scholarly, peer-reviewed sources
  • The library has both multi-subject and subject-specific databases

Accessing Library Databases

You can access library databases by going to the Databases By Subject page on the library website homepage.

Below a blue banner that says "Discover," various icons display resources available through the UIUC library. An orange square border highlights an orange laptop icon with "A-Z" on the screen, titled "Databases by Subject" with subheading "Complete list of all available databases."


Academic Search Ultimate is a multi-subject database that many students use to start their research.

Screenshot of the University Library's A-Z Databases webpage. The page shows an alphabetical list of 1,140 databases, starting with A. A "Featured Databases" panel on the right spotlights frequently used databases. Within the Featured Databases panel, an orange arrow points to the first database listed, Academic Search Ultimate.


To find subject-specific databases, click the “Subjects” dropdown on the left hand side of the screen and choose a subject.

Screenshot of the University Library's A-Z Databases webpage featuring an alphabetical list of all databases offered by the library and a "Featured Databases" panel. A large search bar above the database list includes separate dropdown menus for database title/keyword, subject, type, and vendors/providers. The dropdown menu under "Subjects" is expanded, displaying subject categories like African American Studies, African Studies, Agriculture, American Literature, Anthropology, and Art & Architecture. An orange arrow points to the "Subject" dropdown menu to highlight its functionality.