Add a second email
ORCID strongly recommends adding at least one backup email address so you can recover your ORCID record in case you lose access to your primary email (e.g., when moving to a new employer).
Opt for import
Avoid manual data entry where possible. When entering Funding and Works items into the ORCID record, researchers are strongly advised to import those items via Trusted Organizations (employers, funders, publishers, etc.) or by using ORCID’s “Search & Link” wizards. Not only do these workflows reduce administrative burden, they ensure that the data is delivered from trustworthy sources, which is indicated by a “trust marker” appended to the item record in ORCID.
"Only me" visibility reduces usability
ORCID's interoperability with other systems has the potential to greatly reduce the amount of time the researcher spends manually re-entering details about themselves and their work. However, restricting the visibility of an item to “Only me” will prevent that item from being available for use in those other connected systems.
"Enter once, re-use often." Beyond name disambiguation, another major benefit of the ORCID record is the researcher's ability to use it as a centralized storehouse of data about their work and professional activity--data that can then be quickly and easily shared with a growing number of publisher, funder, and employer systems without having to re-type it each time.
Some types of content that are likely to facilitate discovery and further distinguish you from other researchers include: current and former names under which you’ve published, a brief biography or research statement, current and former employment affiliations, links to your other web profiles or social media, and research-related keywords.
See "Building your ORCID record and connecting your iD" for further information.
Details about your publications, presentations, performances, and so on (Works), as well as grants and awards (Funding), can be added to your ORCID record through a variety of ways--including automated import from authorized systems (Trusted organizations) or use of ORCID's "Search and Link" Wizards to find and retrieve data from authoritative sources.
See "Add works to your ORCID record" for further information.
There are three visibility options that may be applied to content in your ORCID record:
Unless you choose otherwise, the visibility option “Everyone” will be applied to all items added to your ORCID record (except for your email address, which is set to “Only me” by default). Subsequently, visibility settings may be adjusted at the individual item level.
See "Visibility settings" for further information.
It is possible to establish a Trusted Individual (or Account Delegate) to help you manage and update your ORCID record.
The Trusted Individual may then make updates on your behalf by first logging in to their own ORCID record and then clicking the “Switch to another account” link and switching to your record.
See "Add a trusted individual to your account" for further information.