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University Library


Musical Theatre

A guide to finding background information, articles, scores, media, and audition resources related to musical theatre.

Finding Scores in the Catalog

The Music & Performing Arts Library has thousands of scores available to borrow and some are also available online. Conducting a keyword search in the library catalog for a composer or specific work is always a great place to start. 

If you'd like to immediately filter by format, begin by clicking on the advanced search button, located just to the right of the search bar. 

screenshot showing that the advanced search button is to the right of the search bar

Once in the advanced search, go to the "Materials Type" drop down menu and select either "Scores"

Screenshot showing that you can limit material type to scores using the filters on the right side of the advanced search screen.

For more help finding printed music, visit our Finding Music Materials guide or the Music 558: Vocal Literature guide. 

Subject Headings

Consult the Subjects list in the Details section of the item record to determine what an item is about or what type of music the item contains. Subjects will tell you if the item is a score, vocal score, score and parts, etc.

The subjects listed in blue are also clickable; you can click on any of the subject headings listed in the record to initiate a new search for similarly classified materials.

Below are some recommended subject headings for musical theatre scores to help you explore the collection:

  • Musicals
  • Musicals--Scores
  • Musicals--Librettos
  • Musicals--Excerpts--Vocal scores with piano
  • Musicals--Vocal scores with piano
  • Musical Films
  • Musical Films--Excerpts--Vocal scores with piano
  • Revues

Search Tip

If you aren't sure where to start and just want to browse, try a search for "musical theatre" AND your voice part. This is a great way to find our musical theatre anthologies.

We've collected a couple anthologies below to get you started: