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Modern United States Wildfires

This is a guide to resources at the Illinois Fire Service Library and online that discuss several 21st century US wildfires.


The Esperanza fire was intentionally set by serial arsonist Raymond Oyler on October 26, 2006, in the San Jacinto Mountains and initially reported early in the morning at 1:11 AM. The fire moved upslope towards State Highway 243 and the highly vulnerable Twin Peaks community. Between 3:30 and 4:00 AM, five engine companies from the San Bernardino National Forest, including Engine 57, arrived to assist and were directed to engage in structure protection in Twin Peaks. Engine 57 arrived at 15400 Gorgonio View Road, a structure also known as the "Octagon House," sometime around 6:00 AM.  At 7:10 AM, the fire was sighted in the drainage below the Octagon House. The Octagon House and Engine 57 were overrun by the fire shortly after. Around 8 AM, the five-member crew was found by members of the other engine companies. Three were already dead. One firefighter died in route to the hospital, and the final member died on October 31st. The Esperanza fire, having burned over 40,000 acres and destroyed more than 50 structures, was contained on November 1st. There were no civilian fatalities.


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