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University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Library Catalogs and Databases for Japanese Materials: Finding Books

Lists of useful references to find books, databases and articles

Searching in Japanese

Searching for Japanese language materials is an imperfect process. You may need to use kanji, kana, or romanji (or some combination of the three)

Catalogs (Japanese)

NII Webcat Plus (国立情報学研究所)

This catalog by National Institute of Informatics (NII) is very interactive and gives different options to search materials and create virtual personalized book shelf.

  • Simple Search: Materials can be searched under the criteria of books, works or person.
  • Associative Search: Associative search process takes any given query and finds out documents that are close to the given search condition, based on the degree of overlap of words.

Catalogs (English)