"Jain Ascetics (Unknown Artist) , 1995.72.1,” Harvard Art Museums collections online, Oct 27, 2021, https://hvrd.art/o/310706.
Library Subject Headings
The subject heading Jainism links to many results. Refine your search with more focused subjects. Here is a sample of subjects relating to Jainism (you may also want to refine by language and medium)
Note! Try searching jain* (to get results for jain, jaina, and jainism)
Jainism Philosophy
Jains -- India -- History
Jaina literature
Browse the Shelves
Books on Jainism can be found in both the History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library as well as the Main Stacks. These collections are contain both Library of Congress and Dewey Decimal Call Numbers.
Library of Congress
BL1300-BL1380 - Jainism 1310-1314.2 Sacred Books, Source 1315-1317 Jain Literature 1376-1378.85 Forms of Worship 1379-1380 Modifications, etc. |
Dewey Decimal