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Huck Finn Controversy - Mr. Rayburn
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Huck Finn Controversy - Mr. Rayburn: Home
Word(s) Count
A Brief History of the Word "NIGGER."
From Ebony.
Straight Talk about the N-Word
Obama Called the N-Word in a Headline
New York Post piece on ironic headline.
When Is It Ever Okay to Call the President the N-Word?
CNN's coverage of same headline.
Why I'm Good with the N-Word
From TIME.
NIGGA: The 21st-Century Theoretical Superhero
"Discusses the different ways in which the racial terms "n##ger" and "n##ga" inform generational understandings of blackness."
Accept No Substitutes? The "N Word" in Huck Finn and Huck Finn in the Classroom
Trying to Tame Huck Finn
Interview with a Boston high school teacher
"reports on a program titled "Race Issues in Mark Twain: A Community Dialogue on Language & Dialect in 'Tom Sawyer' and 'Huckleberry Finn'" presented by by the National Endowment for the Arts in New York City."
More Harm Than Good
Explores use of the "N word" in Huck Finn and beyond, as well as the moral and psychological repercussions of such use.
The Jim Dilemma: Reading Race in Huckleberry Finn
A book review with useful commentary and reflection from African American Review.
Huck Finn in Context
A teacher's guide from PBS.
'Sivilizing Huck Finn
Compares the language in the original Huck Finn with the adaptation, and analyzes the goals of such alterations. From School Library Journal.
'Nigger' or 'Slave': Why Labels Matter for Jim (and Twain) in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Scholarly article on racial slurs in Huck Finn.
Revising Mark Twain
Discussion of the language changes in the revised Huck Finn. From Jet.
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