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Significant Wildfires in US History

This is a guide to resources at the Illinois Fire Service Institute Library and online that discuss a selection of major wildland fires in the US.


Peshtigo Fire of 1871

Havel, Gregory. (2007, October 8) Remembering The Great Peshtigo Fire of 1871. Fire Engineering. Remembering The Great Peshtigo Fire of 1871 - Fire History 

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association. (2023, August 31). The Great Midwest Wildfires of 1871. National Weather Service. 

Peshtigo Historical Society. (2024, October 1). History of the Peshtigo fire: Before the fire. Peshtigo Fire Museum. 

Wyman, Mark. (1998) Historical Essay | Peshtigo Fire. Wisconsin Historical Society. Peshtigo Fire | Wisconsin Historical Society 


The Great Fire of 1910

American Experience | PBS. Fighting Wildfires Fighting Wildfires | American Experience | Official Site | PBS

Forest History Society. U.S. Forest Service Fire Suppression U.S. Forest Service Fire Suppression - Forest History Society

National Wildfire Coordinating Group. (2024). The Great Fires of 1910 (The Big Blowup) – August 20th. The Great Fires of 1910 (The Big Blowup) – August 20th

Petersen, Jim. (2022, July 11). Why a 10A.M. Fire Policy? Evergreen Magazine. Why a 10A.M. Fire Policy?

United States Department of Agriculture. The Great Fire of 1910stelprdb5444731.pdf


The Mann Gulch Fire of 1949

Moore, W.R., et. al. (1957). Rough Draft 6/17/57 Report of Fire Task Force. U.S. Forest Service. stelprdb5393525.pdf

1949, September. Transcript of Mann Gulch Board of Review. Microsoft Word - Mann Gulch Board of Review.doc

Forest Service. (2012, August 20). Mann Gulch: The Wrath of Nature[Video]. YouTube. Mann Gulch: The Wrath of Nature

Mann Gulch Fire August 5, 1949 Montana Thirteen Fatalities. mann gulch fire.pdf

National Wildfire Coordinating Group. (2024). Mann Gulch (Montana) – August 5, 1949. Mann Gulch (Montana) – August 5, 1949

Turner, Dave. (1999). The Thirteenth Fire. Forest History Today, 1999 (Spring). Microsoft Word - The Thirteenth Fire.doc


The Yellowstone Fires of 1988

National Park Service (2021, February 2). 1988 Fires. Yellowstone National Park. 1988 Fires - Yellowstone National Park (U.S. National Park Service)


The South Canyon Fire of 1994

Allen, Tom. (1994, October 17). Report of the Interagency Management Review Team South Canyon Fire. United States Department of the Interior, United States Department of Agriculture, United States Department of Commerce. South Canyon Fire Report of the Interagency Management Review Team 10_17_94.pdf

Allen, Tom. (1995, June 26). Final Report of the Interagency Management Review Team South Canyon Fire. United States Department of the Interior, United States Department of Agriculture, United States Department of Commerce. South Canyon Fire Report of the Interagency Management Review Team 6_26_95.pdf

Butler, Bret W. (1998, September). Fire Behavior Associated with the 1994 South Canyon Fire on Storm King Mountain, Colorado. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Services. file:///D|/rmrsrp9/stormkng.pdf

National Wildfire Coordinating Group. (2024). Part 1 - South Canyon Fire, Colorado, 1994 (A Four-Part Series). Part I – South Canyon Fire, Colorado, 1994 (A Four-Part Series)