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University Library


History 200D: Nelson Mandela, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, and Apartheid in South Africa

Subject Specialist Librarians

Subject specialist librarians are eager to assist you with your library research, and in most cases can save you a lot of time, especially if you meet with them early in order to plan out your research strategy.

Subject specialist librarians recognize the interdisciplinary, collaborative nature of historical research, and they encourage you to meet with any librarian whose area of expertise overlaps with your research. For example, if you are researching the political history of same sex marriage in America, then you should meet with both the History Librarian AND the Political Science Librarian.

Find an Expert to Help You With Your Research

Librarian Areas of Expertise Contact
Celestina Savonius-Wroth, Ph.D.


Schedule a research Consultation with Prof. Savonius-Wroth

Email Prof. Savonius-Wroth a Question

Atoma Batoma, Ph.D.

African Studies

Schedule a Research Consultation with Prof. Ingold

Email Prof. Ingold a Question

Lynne Rudasill

Political Science

Global Studies

United Nations

International Documents

Schedule a Research Consultation with Prof. Rudasill

Email Prof. Rudasill a Question

You can also use the Subject Specialist Database to identify a librarian who specializes in your area.

Guide Credits

This guide created by Geoffrey Ross, Spring 2020.