Below, you will see examples of books cited in the Chicago/Turabian style, in both print and electronic formats. For more information on how to read these examples, see the Getting Started page of this LibGuide (see the tabs to the left.)
Electronic books are treated the same as regular books. The only exception is that you include the format of the book at the end (such as Kindle, EPUB, etc.).
When citing a specific part of an ebook, it is best practice to give the chapter or section. If possible, also provide the page number. Otherwise, include the chapter number.
Author Last Name, Author First Name. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Format.
Gennaro, Liza. Making Broadway Dance. New York: Oxford Academic, 2021. CARLI Ebooks: Oxford Scholarship Online.
1. Author First Name Author Last Name, Title of Book (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), Chapter or Page Number, Format.
1. Liza Gennaro, Making Broadway Dance (New York: Oxford Academic, 2021), CARLI Ebooks: Oxford Scholarship Online.
Electronic books are treated the same as regular books. The only exception is that you include the format of the book at the end (such as Kindle, EPUB, etc.).
When citing a specific part of an ebook, it is best practice to give the chapter or section. If possible, also provide the page number. Otherwise, include the chapter number.
Author Last Name, Author First Name. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. URL or DOI.
León. Javier. A Latin America Music Reader: Views from the South. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2016.
1. Author First Name Author Last Name, Title of Book (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), Chapter or Page Number, URL or DOI.
1. Javier León, A Latin America Music Reader: Views from the South (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2016), 42,
Example Item
Author Last Name, Author First Name. Title of book. Publication location: Publisher, Date of Publication.
Nettl, Bruno. The Study of Ethnomusicology: Thirty-Three Discussions. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2015.
1. Author First Name Author Last Name, Title of book (Publication location: Publisher, Date of Publication), page numbers.
1. Bruno Nettl, The Study of Ethnomusicology: Thirty-Three Discussions (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2015), 35.
Example Item
Author Last Name, Author First Name and Author First Name Author Last Name. Title of book. Publication location: Publisher, Date of Publication.
Hepokoski, James and Warren Darcy. Elements of Sonata Theory: norms, types, and deformations in the late eighteenth-century sonata. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006
1. Author First Name Author Last Name and Author First Name Author Last Name, Title of book (Publication location: Publisher, Date of Publication), page numbers.
1. James Hepokoski and Warren Darcy, Elements of Sonata Theory: norms, types, and deformations in the late eighteenth-century sonata (New York: Oxford University Press, 2006), 46.
Example Item
Author Last Name, Author First Name, ed(s). OR comp(s). OR trans. Title of book. Publication location: Publisher, Date of Publication.
Wierzbicki, James, Nathan Platte and Colin Rost, eds. The Routledge Film Music Sourcebook. New York: Routledge, 2012.
1. Author First Name Author Last Name, eds. OR trans. Title of book, (Publication location: Publisher, Date of Publication), page numbers.
1. James Wierzbicki, Nathan Platte and Colin Rost, eds. The Routledge Film Music Sourcebook (New York: Routledge, 2012), 70.
Example Item
Author Last Name, Author First Name. Title of book. Translated OR Edited by First Name Last Name. Publication location: Publisher, Date of Publication.
Schoenberg, Arnold. Theory of Harmony. Translated by Roy E. Carter. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978.
1. Author First Name Author Last Name, Title of book, trans. OR ed. First Name Last Name (Publication location: Publisher, Date of Publication), page numbers.
1. Arnold Schoenberg, Theory of Harmony, trans. Roy E. Carter (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978), 22.
Example Item
Editor of Collection Last Name, Editor of Collection First Name. Title of Volume. Volume Number of Title of Multivolume, edited by Name of Volume Editor. Publication Location: Publisher, Year of Publication.
Melamed, Daniel R. J. S. Bach and the Oratorio Tradition. Vol. 8 of Bach Perspectives, edited by George B. Stauffer. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2011.
1. Volume Author First Name Volume Author Last Name, Title of Volume Work, Volume Number of Title of Multivolume Work, ed. Name of Editor (Publication location: Publisher, Date of Publication), page numbers.
1. Daniel R. Melamed, J. S. Bach and the Oratorio Tradition, vol. 8 of Bach Perspectives, ed. George B. Stauffer (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2011), 37.
Example Item
Author Last Name, Author First Name. Title of Work. Title of Series. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.
Auner, Joseph. Music in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Western Music in Context. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2013.
1. Author First Name Author Last Name, Title of Work, Title of Series (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number.
1. Joseph Auner, Music in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Western Music in Context (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2013), 57.
Example Item
Author Last Name, Author First Name. Title of book. Edition. Publication location: Publisher, Date of Publication.
Burkholder, J. Peter, Donald Jay Grout, Claude V. Palisca. A History of Western Music. Ninth Edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2014.
1. Author First Name Author Last Name, Title of book, Edition (Publication location: Publisher,
Date of Publication), page numbers.
1. J. Peter Burkholder, Donald Jay Grout, Claude V. Palisca, A History of Western Music, Ninth Edition (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2014), 78-80.
Example Item
Author Last Name, Author First Name. "Book chapter." In Title of book, translated OR edited by First Name Last Name, page range. Publication location: Publisher, Date of Publication.
Weber, William. "The History of Musical Canon." In Rethinking Music, edited by Nicholas Cook and Mark Everist, 336-355. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
1. Author First Name Author Last Name, "Book chapter" in Title of Book, ed. OR trans. First Name Last Name (Publication location: Publisher, Date of Publication), Page Number.
1. William Weber, "The History of Musical Canon," in Rethinking Music, eds. Nicholas Cook and Mark Everist (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), 340.