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Art & Architecture Source: Search Results

A guide for using the Art & Architecture Source database.

Sort and Refine Results

Image showing Art & Architecture Source's search results page with sort and refine search options highlighted.Click to enlarge image

Sort your search results by relevance, date, source, or author using the drop-down menu to the top-right of the search results. Refine your search results by full text availability, reference availability, peer-reviewed journals, publication date, source type, subject, publication, publisher, or language using the expanding menus to the left of the search results.

Find Full Text

Image showing Art & Architecture Source's search results with full text options highlighted.Click to enlarge image

If the full text is available through Art & Architecture Search, click the PDF Full Text or HTML Full Text options in the article record. If not available, click the blue Discover full text linking button. If the article is available to UIUC users, a link to the article appears in the “Online Full Text” section. If not, you will be provided links to search for the journal in the library catalog or request a photocopy of the article through InterLibrary Loan (ILL)

Other Features

Image showing an item record in Art & Architecture Source with citation management options highlighted.Click to enlarge image

From the search results, click the title of the desired article. Look for the “Tools” bar on the right hand side of the record page. From there, select an option to save, print, e-mail, export, cite, or link to a record. You can select more than one article at a time by adding the articles to the folder using the “Add to Folder” button in the column on the right, then use the folder button at the top right to view the items. Items can also be added from results screen using the folder button by the title.