Use article databases to find journals articles (as well as dissertations, book chapters, and other resources) on a specific topic. In some cases, you will be able to link directly from the article database to the full text of the article. In other cases, you will need to search the title of the journal (not the author or title of the article) in the online catalog, to find out where it is located.
By "article databases" we mean both bibliographic databases (databases that contain records or citations to journal articles) and online full-text journal archives. Many bibliographic databases include some full text.
There are many article databases you can use to find scholarly articles on historical topics. These can yield secondary or primary sources, depending on how you have formulated your research topic. You may need to search several databases and indexes to find a range of articles on your topic. A comprehensive search may include both print and online indexes.
The main article databases for historians are:
Covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present, including world history, military history, women's history, history of education, and more. Provides indexing of more than 1,700 academic historical journals in over 40 languages back to 1955. Alternate version: Historical Abstracts with Full Text in the classic EBSCO user interface (best for exporting more than 50 results or combining saved searches).
Index of literature covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada, from prehistory to the present. The database indexes journals from 1964 to present and includes citations and links to book and media reviews. Alternate version: America: History & Life with Full Text in the classic EBSCO user interface (best for exporting more than 50 results or combining saved searches).
Alternate version: Iter in the classic EBSCO user interface (best for exporting more than 50 results or combining saved searches). Contains electronic resources for researchers in the study and teaching of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700). Enables users to access citations in journal, book, and reviews databases; provides online access to Paul Oskar Kristeller's Iter Italicum (a finding list of Renaissance humanistic manuscripts); provides access to the International Directory of Scholars (a comprehensive directory of contact information, and information on the research and teaching careers of scholars around the world). Subscription includes a membership to the Renaissance Society of America.
The main article database for religious studies scholars is:
The ATLA Religion Database is a comprehensive database designed to support religious and theological scholarship in graduate education and faculty research. The file contains citations from international titles and 13,000 multi-author works in and related to the field of religion. It also includes a full range of index citations to journal articles, essays in multi-author works, book reviews, and Doctor of Ministry projects from ATLA's print indexes: Religion Index One (RIO), Religion Index Two (RIT), and Index to Book Reviews in Religion (IBRR). Though coverage is from 1949 to the present, not all publications began in 1949. Alternate version: ATLA Religion Database with ATLA Serials in the classic EBSCO user interface (best for exporting more than 50 results or combining saved searches).
In addition to these databases, there are several other article databases that will be useful to both historians and religious studies scholars:
Alternate version: Index Islamicus in the classic EBSCO user interface (best for exporting more than 50 results or combining saved searches). Index to literature on Islam, the Middle East and Muslim areas of Asia and Africa, and Muslim minorities elsewhere. Includes citations to over 2,000 journals, conference proceedings, monographs, and book reviews from 1906 to present.
Alternate version: Index to Jewish Periodicals in the classic EBSCO user interface (best for exporting more than 50 results or combining saved searches). This database provides a comprehensive guide to English-language articles, book reviews, and feature stories in more than 160 journals devoted to Jewish affairs. Titles include Contemporary Jewry, Holy Land Studies, Jewish Culture & History, Journal of Palestine Studies, Studies in American Jewish Literature, and many more. Most references are not found in standard periodical literature guides. Index to Jewish Periodicals is intended for students of Jewish thought and others interested in contemporary Jewish and Middle Eastern affairs. Journal coverage dates back as far as 1988.
Alternate version: Old Testament Abstracts in the classic EBSCO user interface (best for exporting more than 50 results or combining saved searches). Old Testament Abstracts is a product of a partnership between ATLA and the Catholic Biblical Association. The database features indexing and abstracts for journal articles, monographs, multi-author works, and software related to Old Testament studies. Content from over 450 journals is covered. All abstracts are in English, regardless of the language of the original work. Topics covered include antiquities, archaeology, biblical theology, philology and much more. Coverage in the database dates back to 1978.
Alternate version: New Testament Abstracts in the classic EBSCO user interface (best for exporting more than 50 results or combining saved searches). New Testament Abstracts Online is a product of a partnership between ATLA and Boston College. The database is an indispensable research and bibliographic aid for scholars, librarians, clergy and students of the New Testament and its historical milieu. The database contains more than 44,000 article abstracts, 1,200 review abstracts, 16,500 book abstracts, and 50 software abstracts. Each year an additional 2,000 articles from more than 500 periodicals in numerous languages are selected for inclusion. In addition, approximately 900 current books are also summarized annually. Article coverage in the database dates back to 1985.
For even more article databases that might be relevant to your research, see the list here of article indexes and online bibliographies in our guide to the:
Although article databases are usually the best place to start a general search for journal articles, if you have very specific keywords in mind, full text journal article collections can sometimes yield good results.
For older journals, use:
Several major journals in JSTOR include:
For recent issues of hundreds of scholarly journals:
Some of the major journals in Project MUSE include:
Finally, a very useful, but often overlooked, source of journals for historians and religious studies scholars is:
As more and more journals become available online, some through commercial "aggregators" and others individually, it becomes difficult to keep track of all the e-journals available in a particular discipline. How can you determine if a particular journal is available electronically?