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Latin American and Caribbean Feminist and Gender Studies: Online (Re)sources

This guide aims to provide organized access to the main research resources on Latin American and Caribbean Feminist and Gender Studies that are available to students, staff, faculty, and visiting scholars at the University of Illinois Library.

Feminist and Gender Studies in LA&C - Comprehensive Online Sources

This page lists a few websites of relevant research resources or provides online access to original or digitized primary sources that can help in the teaching and research of feminist and gender studies in Latin America & the Caribbean. It includes two sections: the first one provides an overview of regional resources, organizations, and repositories, and the second one includes centers, archives, and organizations devoted to feminist and gender studies by country.​

The University of Illinois Library subscribes to many primary source databases pertinent to Latin American and the Caribbean. One of particular interest for feminism and gender studies is:

  • Feminism in Cuba Digital Archive: This collection, compiled from Cuban sources, spans the period from Cuban independence to the end of the Batista regime. The collection sheds light on Cuban feminism, women in politics, literature by Cuban women and the legal status of Cuban women.

Additionally, you are encouraged to explore the resources at The Latin American and Caribbean Digital Primary Sources Database, built by the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM). 

Resources by country


Asamblea Permanente por los Derechos Humanos - Derechos de las Mujeres, Igualdad de Género y Diversidad

Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir Argentina

Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales CELS - Derechos Reproductivos y Violencia de Género

La Casa del Encuentro

Mujeres En Igualdad 

Unión de Mujeres de la Argentina - UMA




CODE RED for gender justice!


Centro de Estudios de la Mujer - CEM

Comunidad Mujer

Humanas – Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Género, Chile

Fondo Alquimia

Instituto de la Mujer

Miles por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos

Red Chilena contra la Violencia hacia las Mujeres


Casa de la Mujer

Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir Colombia

Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica - Enfoque de Género

Fondo Lunaria

Humanas – Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Género, Colombia

Red Nacional de Mujeres

Costa Rica

CEFEMINA Centro Femenista de Información y Acción


La Cuerda, a women's organization and a feminist magazine

El Salvador

Las Dignas


Grenada National Organization of Women (GNOW)


Guyana Association of Women Lawyers (GAWL)

Red Thread


Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña (OFRANEH)


Casa Gaviota

Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir - Mexico

Comando Colibrí

Comunicación e Información de la Mujer (CIMAC)

Estudios de Género en México: Fuentes para su Historia (COLMEX)

Fondo Semillas

Instituto de Liderazgo Simone de Beauvoir (ILSB)


Movimiento Feminista de Nicaragua



Centro de Documentación y Estudios (CDE) - Área Mujer

CONAMURI Articulando a las mujeres campesinas e indígenas

Informativo Mujer

Kuña Roga (Casa de la Mujer)


Calandria - área Género

Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir Peru

Centro de la Mujer Peruana "Flora Tristán"


Puerto Rico

Coordinadora Paz para la Mujer

Centro Empresarial para la Mujer en la Agricultura

Trinidad & Tobago

Institute for Gender and Development Studies


Casa de la Cultura Afro Uruguaya - Area Mujeres Afrouruguayas

Coco is an art collective constituted in late 2016 by four artists trained in Uruguay working in the field of contemporary art.

Cotidiano Mujer, Colectivo feminista dedicado a la Comunicación y a los Derechos Humanos Mujer

En Negra y Blanca, colectivo de fotógrafas

Assistant Professor and Librarian of Latin American and Caribbean Studies