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University Library


FIN 390: Finance Academy

created by Becky Smith & Erik Rebain

Database Matrix

Database Matrix

Sometimes it's challenging to choose a right database to start your search among so many available resources, and it's often hard to remember all features for various databases. This chart includes BIS subscribed key databases and their various features such as company overview, industry analysis, and market research reports, etc. Click on the database name to directly go to the database. You will need your NetID and password to login.

Database Company Overview International Companies Private Companies Company Financial Bond Information Ratios Investment Analysis Industry Analysis Country Reports Articles/ News Market Research Reports SWOT Analysis
BCC Research                  
Business Source Ultimate        
Capital IQ (GIES only)          
Emerging Markets Information Service          
IBISWorld & Procurement IQ (supplier data)   ✔ IBISWorld international includes companies in China only                
Nexis Uni            
ProQuest One Business                

Finance Databases

Finance Databases

The chart below displays databases with financial information that BIS subscribes to annually. The chart provides the broad topics which are available within each database. To access the database desired, click on the database title to take you to the database. If you are off campus, you will be required to type your Illinois Net ID and password first for authentication.

Note: WRDS is available only to Gies College of Business.

Database Venture Capital/ Private Equity Analyst Reports Data Matching Balance Sheet & Income Statement M&A Markets IPOs/ Earning Estimates SEC Filings/ Governance/ Audit
Capital IQ (GIES only) ✔Ticker
PrivCo ✔Private Equity
✔Venture Capital
(under Advanced Search > Private Companies)
✔Private Companies only    
SDC ✔New Issues   ✔CUSIP- 6 Digit
✔Mortgage Backed
✔Private Debt
(under New Issues module)
Refinitiv Workspace ✔Private Equity   ✔Ticker
✔NAIC (under Screening & Analysis)
WRDS     ✔CUSIP- 9 digit; if only have 6 digits, use NCUSIP (under Tools)
✔Linking Suite (CRSP-Compustat)
✔Global Compustat
✔Bank Focus
  ✔US Equity Price (CRSP)
✔Mutual Funds
✔Options (US only)
✔CBOE Index
✔Syndicated Loans
✔I/B/E/S ✔SEC Analytics
✔Audit Analytics
✔13F (Thomson Reuters)

Need More Help?

Grainger Engineering Library Information Center's STEM Entrepreneurship & Business Services can assist you in getting started with these and other resources.  If you have any questions, please e-mail