For the most complete and up-to-date information on finding newspapers, whether current or historical, please visit our guide to Digitized Historical Newspapers.
The below are some of the larger collections of newspapers that include issues form the 1960s:
The University Library has hundreds of newspapers on microfilm, with coverage back to 1960 and earlier. The best way to check for availability of specific titles, or to browse by date and place of publication, is to consult the Library's Newspaper Database. Below are some newspaper collections on microfilm that you might find especially useful for this class.
The University Library has hundreds of "alternative" press periodicals on microfilm and in print. The best way to check for availability of specific titles, or to browse by date and place of publication, is to consult the Library's Newspaper Database.
The Library also has a large collection of labor union periodicals, both in print and on microfilm. Begin browsing in the Online Catalog at call number 331.805-. Socialist and communist periodicals (e.g. The Daily Worker) are classified at 335- .