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University Library



Learn how to use Zotero, a free citation management tool.


Zotero's Group feature lets you share references with other Zotero users.

  1. Ensure your Zotero library is synced using the green 'sync' icon.
  2. Log in at
  3. Search for existing public groups or create a new group.
    • Groups may be:
      • public (anyone can view your group online and join the group instantly).
      • public with closed membership (anyone can view your group online, but members must apply to join or be invited).
      • private (only members can view your group online and must be invited to join).
  4. You should now have two sections in your Zotero collections pane: "My Library" and "Group Libraries". You can drag items back and forth between them at will.

Public Libraries

Making Your Library Public

If you want to share your library but don't want others to add to it, you can change the settings of your library to make it public.

  1. Login to your online Zotero account at
  2. Click on 'Settings' in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Click on 'Privacy.'
  4. Select the box next to 'Publish your library' and click 'Update settings' to complete the change.
    • Here you also have the option to publish notes attached to your references by selecting 'Publish notes' and then clicking 'Update settings'.

Now your Zotero library is public and you can send the URL to others so they can see your library!