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University Library


Social Work Library Orientation: Finding Books, Journals, & Media

This guide provides an overview of the subjects covered in the library orientation session for new School of Social Work students as well as links to the resources and tools.

What Is the Library Catalog For?

The University of Illinois Library Catalog is a database of all the Library's materials, including books, journals, newspapers, e-books, videos, microfilms, and much more! You can use the Library Catalog to:

  • Create a library catalog account
  • Search for items at the University of Illinois
  • Request items and have them delivered to any library on campus
  • View items you have checked out and renew items online
  • Save, organize, and retrieve library records from any device

Tips for Using the Library Catalog

Visit the following guide for an introduction to the library catalog, creating an account, requesting items, and much more!

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