This PBS documentary follows the story of five families who have children with learning disorders, including one child suffering from ADHD. Together with experts, the families try to solve the mysteries of their children's learning difficulties.
This 30 minute documentary takes a look at young people with a spectrum of learning differences, including dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, attention deficit disorder, and auditory processing disorder.
Provides tips, tricks, and insights into the ADHD brain. The owner of the channel found that her medications were not enough and wanted to create a channel to give advice about her ADHD "toolbox."
Produced by the National Resource Center on ADHD: A Program of CHADD, this channel provides expert information about and for children, teens and adults with ADHD.
Please note that these films and videos do not necessarily portray the experience of any or all individuals who have ADHD/ADD.