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Curriculum & Instruction 467: Principles of Teaching Literature to Children and Youth: Finding Articles and Reviews

A guide to support students in C&I 467

Finding Information About Children's Books

Finding Articles

Scholarly journal articles are one of the primary means of communicating research ideas. They are an important component of academic research and give you some insight into ongoing debates and scholarly conversations about your topic. You can find articles through database searches.

Finding articles is a two-step process:

1. First, search for the topic you are interested in by using the article databases listed on this page.

  • Try words to describe the subject you are searching: children’s literature, juvenile fiction, picture books, young adult literature, etc.
  • Try words to describe your research area: gender, censorship, multiculturalism, ethnicity, diversity, etc.
  • Consider searching for these concepts together.  For example, “juvenile fiction” and “censorship” = some great articles and books.
  • Use the thesaurus to find additional or similar terms.
  • Find an article that looks interesting? Look at the article's citation for subjects used in that database and run additional searches using these subjects.

2. Next, find the actual text of the articles you want by clicking on the Discover button in a database.

  • If the Discover page indicates that we have online full text, click the link to get to the article. In some cases, we may have the full text article available in multiple databases.
  • If the Discover page says there is no online full-text available, click the link next to "Library Catalog Holdings" to search the library catalog for print holdings. This will show you if the library owns a copy of the journal/newspaper/book in PRINT form, and tells you the location of that print volume.
  • NOTE: The library catalog will show you the results by JOURNAL title (not article title). You will need to find the year and/or volume and issue number of the journal that contains your article.


If you know the citation of the articles you want, from bibliographies or suggested readings lists, you can use the Journal and Article Locator to determine if we have full-text online or in print.

Finding Professional and Research Articles

Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library

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