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Geometry and Topology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: Home

Geometry and Topology

Illinois Mathematics Lab



The Illinois Mathematics Lab (formerly Illinois Geometry Lab) fosters opportunities for University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign undergraduates in mathematical research, experimentation, and visualization. Each fall and spring semester, faculty members, assisted by graduate students, offer collaborative projects for small groups of undergraduates. The IML also has an active program of mathematical outreach to local schools and communities.


Books on geometry and topology can be found in the Mathematics Library Stacks currently located at Main Library 1 East shelved under call number ranges of 514 for topology and 516 for geometry for the duration of Altgeld Hall renovation.

Mathematics Library

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Mathematics Library
Staff temporarily located at
Grainger Engineering Library Information Center
1301 West Springfield Ave. Urbana IL 61801, MC/274
(217) 333-0258
Subjects: Mathematics

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