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The Hero's Journey - Mr. Mitchell: Home

Important Dates

Due dates in bold

Tuesday, October 21: One-paragraph proposal due

Tuesday, October 28: Library day

Thursday, October 30: In-class work day

Tuesday, November 4: In-class work day

Thursday, November 6: Complete draft due for peer-edit session

Tuesday, November 11: In-class work day

Thursday, November 13: Final draft due

The Assignment

"Your goal will be to produce an essay that explores and discusses your personal relationship with this hero narrative, analyzes the hero and how he or she is portrayed in the fictional text, and draws in relevant information and analysis from additional sources of research: it will be a combination of personal/reflective memoir, literary analysis, and research-based information, and the challenge will be to integrate these aspects into a single coherent piece of work."

Read the complete assignment here: