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Create and Manage an Online Scholarly Presence: Home

This is the LibGuide companion to the Savvy Researcher workshop: Create and Manage an Online Scholarly Presence.


Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe

Coordinator for Information Literacy Services and Instruction
Professor, University Library
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Welcome to the online companion to the Savvy Researcher Create and Manage an Online Scholarly Presence workshop! A professional online presence allows scholars to increase the visibility of their publications and to network, finding potential collaborators and readers. 

This guide will direct you to information about different identity maintaining platforms, ways to share your research, helpful tips and ways to keep track, as well as the sources used here and during the workshop. Please use the tabs above to navigate through the guide.

**A Special Thanks to Jonathan McGlone at the University of Michigan for allowing us to draw from his workshop: Building Your Online Identity!


These materials were last updated for the Savvy Researcher Workshop by Lisa Hinchliffe and Sarah Crissinger.

Subject Guide