Brad Cole, Executive Director
P.O. Box 5180 (500 E. Capitol Avenue - 62701)
Springfield, Illinois 62705-5180
(217) 525-1220
City Managers Resources Pool, Illinois City Manager/Administrator Outreach Program
An initiative of the Illinois Municipal League and Illinois City/County Management Association
Illinois City/County Management Association
The Illinois City / County Management Association (ILCMA) was founded in 1953 for the purpose of supporting and improving municipal and county management and strengthening local government in Illinois.
The ILCMA's 700 plus members are professionals who share the common interest of promoting effective local government. Members include city, village, and county managers / administrators and their assistants, persons interested in local government management, students, consultants, and other management professionals. Most hold graduate degrees and are appointed to their positions by the elected governing body.
Excerpts from: Welcome to ILCMA. DeKalb, IL: The Association.