Bloodwood by Gillian BradshawISBN: 0727864203
Publication Date: 2007-06-01
Booklist: Antonia Lanchester is understandably stunned when she learns she has an inoperable brain tumor that will kill her in six months. How to spend the rest of her limited life? She has abandoned her family and friends, her marriage has failed, and she has no social life or hobbies. The only constant is her high-powered job as PR director for Masterpiece Home Design, a company that sells furniture made from illegally logged timber from the worlds rain forests. So Antonia decides to turn whistle-blower and expose MHDs involvement not only in destroying the rain forests but also, indirectly, in the killing of several environmental protesters in Malaysia. Antonias decision has dire personal consequences, but as her death approaches, she finds herself feeling fulfilled, proud of making a difference and with a whole new circle of kind, generous friends. In less-capable hands, this story could have been smarmy and sentimental, but Bradshaw injects dignity and joy into a movingly told, heartwarming book that delivers a powerful punch. -- Emily Melton (Reviewed 04-01-2007) (Booklist, vol 103, number 15, p23)