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Information Sciences 544 - Administration and Management of Libraries and Information Centers: The IS Literature

Resources for finding relevant articles, books, and more.

Libraries in the Catalog

There are a number of Library of Congress Subject Headings you can use in the library catalog subject search to find information about relevant management topics for libraries. Try some of the following:

  • Library administration
  • Library employees
  • Library personnel management

Subheadings such as "Evaluation" (which is not distinguished from assessment for subject description), "Administration", and "Personnel management" can be attached to any primary subject heading for a library type, i.e.:

  • Public libraries--Evaluation
  • Community college libraries--Evaluation
  • Academic libraries--Personnel management
  • Archives--Personnel management
  • Museums--Administration

Where is the literature on IS administration and management?

Information about administraton and tools for managers are published in many forms.

Journal articles report research and new developments in the field.  Articles may also present theoretical or historical perspectives.

To search for articles in IS journals, use the primary online index for IS: 

Books provide basic introductions to the theory and process of administering libraries and other information agencies, reference tools for finding statistics and other factual background, and in-depth treatment of special topics.

Reports and other forms of grey literature are sources for the latest thinking, proposed changes to regulations and practices, training materials, and so on.

Some grey literature is published in print format and may be acquired by the library. Use the online catalog to find it.

More and more gray literature is published solely on the web, usually in HTML or PDF formats. To find it, use a web search tool such as Google

Gray literature is also found in digital repositories, such as E-LIS.

Subject Guide

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