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University Library


Communication 111/112

A guide for library resources and research information for students in Communication 111 and 112.

Handout: Select The Best Information Source

Class Activity 1: Engaging With Sources

All sources you find while conducting research are part of an ongoing conversation on a particular topic. It is your job as a researcher and writer to evaluate your sources to determine the validity of their contribution to the broader conversation.

Sample Research Question

"Impact of neighborhood air pollution on asthma rates"


1. Make a list of up to 5 criteria with a partner that you would use to determine if a source is credible.

2.  Review the following sample source based on the criteria you developed. What are some good things and what are some potential problems with this source?

Class Activity 2: Searching Databases

Now that you've learned more about library databases, let's practice by finding an article related to your research topic! Please open this link and follow the instructions: 


  1. Find an article using either the database Academic Search Ultimate or one from the Find Articles Guide that meets the following requirements:
    • From a peer-reviewed journal
    • Published in the last five years
    • Related to your research topic
  2. Enter information about the article in the link web form as well as notes about how you searched.
  3. Be prepared to share your experience with the rest of the class.