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Information Sciences 510: Libraries, Information and Society: Find Articles and Books

Recommends resources for finding resources related to legal, social, and policy issues in IS for IS 510.

Find Books

You can find print and e books via

Try a keyword search related to your topic, but look for a relevant result and see what official subject headings are assigned that might be useful for identifying books on a similar topic.

Sample subject headings for a "Subject" search include:

Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences

IS Focused Databases

Do a simple keyword or author search in both databases at once using the Information Sciences Easy Search:

Find more information on each database in our Basic Information Sources LibGuide:

IS Subdiscipline Databases

Broaden your search to databases outside the field of IS when (a) you find few articles in the IS-focused databases, or (b) the topic crosses disciplines. Find a list of databases listed by IS subdiscipline: 

For topics with legal implications, search LegalTrac or Lexis Nexis Academic Universe:

Subject Guide

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Main Library
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