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University Library


History 498D: U.S. Empire

A guide for history majors completing their senior capstone project. Guide presupposes mastery of basic library skills taught in History 200.

Exploring Primary Source Collections

Work with your group members to find the document(s) indicated, using the collections suggested (you can also use any other primary source collection from the research guide that looks relevant). Be prepared to answer the following questions about the resource(s) you used:

  • What kinds of primary sources are included?
  • Where are the original primary sources?
  • What useful search tips, strategies, or features did you discover? If there is an “advanced search” option, what are the benefits of using it?

Group 1

Document(s) to find: Security reports from the National Security Council related to the Gulf War.

Suggested resources:

Group 2

Document(s) to find: Find information related to Cuba – U.S. relations in the 1930s.

Suggested resource:

Group 3

Document(s) to find: Search for magazine articles related to Afghanistan from 1850 – 1900. Name some central themes.

Suggested resources:

Group 4

Document(s) to find: Look for joint House and Senate hearings related to Iraq during the Bill Clinton Administration.

Suggested resource:

Group 5

Document(s) to find: Maps documenting the Mexican American War, 1846-1848.

Suggested resources: