These journal databases are the best starting point for finding articles relating to music education.
Alternate version: RILM Abstracts of Music Literature in the classic EBSCO user interface (best for exporting more than 50 results or combining saved searches). RILM Abstracts of Music Literature is a comprehensive bibliography on writings about music featuring citations, abstracts and indexes. It covers nearly one and a half million publications from around the world on traditional music, popular music, jazz, classical music and related subjects. Coverage begins in the early 19th century and extends to the present.
Alternate version: Education Full Text in the classic EBSCO user interface (best for exporting more than 50 results or combining saved searches). Provides comprehensive coverage of an international range of English-language periodicals, monographs and yearbooks. Indexing coverage begins June 1983; abstracts are included beginning spring 1994; full text of some journals is available beginning Jan. 1996. Indexing and abstracting coverage is identical to that of Education index and Education abstracts.
Alternate version: Music Index in the classic EBSCO user interface (best for exporting more than 50 results or combining saved searches). Contains cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for every aspect of the classical and popular world of music including musicological and organological topics, as well as book reviews, record reviews, first performances, and obituaries from more than 850 music periodicals from over 40 countries.
These are several of the journals available concerning music education. They are indexed in some or all of the databases listed above and may have content available online. If not available online, they can be accessed in print through the Music & Performing Arts Library or, in some cases, the Oak Street Library, and found by searching the library catalog