Make sure to make your OER accessible to your potential audiences. There are many different ways to go about this, including offering different formats and using clear organization. Check out the BC Open Textbook Accessibility Toolkit as a guide during this process. Look into this as early as possible during the creation or adaptation of OER because the changes are easy to implement at the beginning, but become more difficult as the project moves forward.
Below are some resources for adapting, creating, and sharing your own OER:
*note: this was reused and adapted from Kirkwood Community College Library's guide on open textbooks
Open Textbook Adoption Worksheet
If you have found OER to adapt or remix, you should first check to see if there are any built-in authoring tools available from the repository where you found the OER. Below are tutorials of authoring tools in various OER repositories.
Below are some possible free tools you could use to create/adapt OER:
Documents | Images | Audio | Video | eBook publishing and online content |
OpenOffice Google Doc |
Pixlr Be Funky PicMonkey (source: Wikipedia) |
Audacity | iMovie Windows Movie Maker YouTube Video Editor |
*Check out our guides on Omeka and WordPress.
Also, see a list of free and/or open source OER Authoring Tools that you can use to create, adapt or remix OER of different types, curated by the Empire State College's library.
OER Authoring Tools guide, created by Sarah Morehouse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
You probably have already created potential OER and just haven't thought about them as resources you might be able to share! OER take the shape of different resources, including (but not limited to):
If you'd like to share one of your learning objects as an OER, think about the following: