The University Library offers a systematic review and evidence synthesis consulting service. Our experts are here to help you start your project with confidence.
We offer evidence synthesis consultations to faculty, students, and researchers affiliated with the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Our service includes tailored individual and group consultations and instructional sessions. We also offer enhanced collaborations resulting in grant and publication acknowledgements and co-authorships.
To learn more about our service and request a research a systematic review or evidence synthesis research consultation, complete our Request a Consultation form.
Systematic reviews were first developed in the field of medicine to efficiently communicate the highest quality of evidence to medical practitioners so that they could make informed decisions on best practices for policies, patient care, and more. Systematic reviews and other evidence synthesis are currently conducted across many disciplines.
A systematic review or evidence synthesis research product is a comprehensive collection and critical appraisal of all evidence on a well-defined topic using standardized methods and tools to synthesize and transparently report conclusions on that research topic.
Systematic review and evidence synthesis aim to be the highest quality evidence. Therefore, the research methods used in conducting this type of research focus on reducing bias and improving reliability and validity.