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University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Spatial Computing and Immersive Media Lab (SCIM) at Grainger

The LibGuide provides an overview of services, technology and use cases for the SCIM Lab at Grainger.

Use cases

Smart gym and virtual rehabilitation environment

Use computer vision to track and monitor exercise movements and overall form. Create a smart gym experience that can enhance results, or an accessible and effective virtual rehabilitation solution.  Pair real-time depth sensor data with AI-driven insights. Prevent and mitigate potential patient accidents and injuries in care environments with predictive alerts.

Enhanced employee safety

Use advanced body tracking to monitor and analyze worker movement and behavior. Design safer, more ergonomic workstations that can mitigate long-term injury risk while improving productivity through task analysis and process optimization.  Pair real-time depth sensor data with AI Services for AI-driven part identification and real-time anomaly detection. Monitor assembly line workers to catch part or process issues right away for a just-in-time fix.

Reimagined communication and engagement

Add computer vision and speech capabilities to smart signage. Transform smart signage into interactive, personalized kiosks that can enhance brand engagement.  Use depth sensing to capture high-quality volumetric video for use in interactive 3D environments. Leverage 3D volumetric video for cutting-edge immersive storytelling, delivered through interactive XR experiences.

Virtual Tours

Road Maintenance

VR Live Streaming of Events