This guide is designed to help you with your assignments in SOCW 584. To navigate, simply click the grey tabs above. You can find background information and scholarly articles for your social policy research.
If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me! I'm happy to help via email or research consultation. We can meet through Zoom or in-person. I hold office hours at Dean's Conference Room, School of Social Work, on Mondays 3:30pm - 4:30pm in Spring 2023.
For complicated government information services, you can contact our Government Information Librarian Sanga Sung.
For annotated laws, in-depth legislative history research, and secondary legal resources, contact the Law Library.
For other areas, check Subject Specialists in the Library.
To access New York Times (1980-today), click on Nexis Uni Access.
To browse the current day news, please refer to the screenshot below, choose “Today” and “News” and click search.
Or follow these instructions to access today's New York Times articles through the Library Catalog:
1. Go to the University Library homepage and click on the drop-down menu for "Find Materials" at the top of the page. Then, click on "Online Journals."
2. Search for New York Times and click on the first result for the New York Times that says, Available Online. Within that result, click on the link for Nexis Uni under the options for "View Online."
3. On the Nexis Uni homepage:
Additionally, online access to the New York Times (and a few other newspapers), is accessible to enrolled undergraduate students logging in with their NetID and password on the Collegiate Readership Program homepage.
A print copy of today's New York Times (as well as several other major metropolitan newspapers) is available at the Communications Library.