The resources listed here strictly contain archival materials like primary source documents and other digitized collections. If you are looking for contemporary or historical published books, research articles, or newspapers, see those respective pages.
The University of Illinois has contract agreements with several scholarly publishing vendors to conduct text mining. These vendors are listed below, along with instructions on how to get started. If you have a question about a vendor not listed below, or otherwise need assistance accessing the data, please contact the Scholarly Communications and Publishing Department.
The following pages link directly to the scholarly publishing databases, and do not automatically sign you in via the University of Illinois' institutional login. To login to these databases, you can either find and log in via the "Institutional Login" pages for these databases, or you can find the database in the library's A-Z Databases page.
Libraries and archives make available online some digitized content that can be used in text analysis. Due to copyright restrictions, the texts available are primarily texts created before the early twentieth century.