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University Library


GreenFile: Searching GreenFile

A database focused on all aspects of human impact to the environment. Content includes scholarly and government materials on climate change, green infrastructure, pollution, sustainable agriculture and renewable energy.

Searching GreenFile

Advanced Search

The GreenFile Advanced Search interface allows users to utilize multiple search boxes, specific metadata fields, and boolean operators to easily create complex searches when researching advanced topics. 

Multiple Search Boxes

Allows users to specify multiple search terms at once in combination with the Boolean operator buttons to specify the relationship between the terms in the context of the search. For example, users could search for "pollution" in the first box, "national parks" in the second box, along with the "AND" operator to then easily search for articles which specifically mention both pollution and national parks. You can add additional search boxes with the plus sign button to the right of the final search box. 

Specify Search Metadata (Select a Field (optional)):

Refines the search criteria for the search to a specific metadata item such as author, title, subject terms, publication name, and more. 

Boolean Operators:  

Specify the relationship between the search terms within the context of the articles returned by the search results.

AND will narrow the results to include only articles that mention the term "X" AND "Y"

OR will expand the results to include articles which include the term "X" Or the term "Y"

NOT will exclude the next search term from search results

Basic Search

The Basic Search feature offers a simplified search box interface for users. 

From the Basic Search page, users will be able to enter key search terms into the search box. Though there is only on box, users can still manually string together multiple search terms with boolean operators, such as "green infrastructure" AND "solar roofing" to return search results containing both terms. 

Search Options

The Search Options pane offers even more tools for refining search results as they get started using GreenFile. 

Search Mode

Allows users to specify Boolean operators as they wish, search all terms using the AND operator, search all terms using the OR operator, or enter a much longer search, such as a sentence, or a paragraph of text to describe the search. 

Limit Your Results

Various tools for limiting search results, such as returning only full text articles or peer reviewed materials. Users can also return results from articles published between certain months and years, or search by the document type, such as a journal article, or a book review.