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University Library


Library Walking Challenge 2022

Hosted Walks

Tour of Funk ACES Library
12:00-12:30 - Tuesday, April 12

Meet in the Marshall Gallery at 11:55 or at Funk ACES at 12:00

Tour of the Everitt Simulation Center
1:00 - 1:45 pm - Tuesday, April 19 
The Sim Center is a learning space for medical, engineering and external partners to utilize for research, education and medical hands-on training.  They offer high fidelity manikins, task trainers, Virtual Reality and AV recording system.

Made possible by a $10 million gift from financial firm Jump Trading, the Jump Simulation Center combines actual medical equipment and the latest simulation technology to enhance student training in various settings, including an operating room, intensive care unit, and hospital/clinic patient room. This type of advanced training ultimately aims to improve patient health outcomes and lower health care costs

Meet in the Marshall Gallery at 12:45 or the Sim Center in Everitt Lab at 1:00

Tour of the Math Library
11:30 am - Wednesday, April 20

Meet in the Marshall Gallery at 11:20 or at the Math Library at 11:30

Bird Walk with Susan Braxton and Lucy Moynihan 
12:00 pm - Wednesday, April 27

Meet in the Marshall Gallery 
Please join us. You can come and go as you please. Non-library folks are, of course, welcome.

Tour of the Siebel Center for Design 
11:00 am - Thursday, April 28

Meet in the Marshall Gallery at 10:50 or Siebel Center for Design at the west end of the main lobby, by the big yellow "SCD" letters at 11:00.