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University Library


Company Information Guide

Resources for Assocations, Non-Profits, Foundations

Associations Unlimited

Consists of three files corresponding to: Vol. 1 of Encyclopedia of associations; Encyclopedia of associations. International organizations; and: Encyclopedia of associations. Regional, state, and local organizations.

 When you arrive at the homepage, scroll down until you see the Encyclopedia of Associations: International Organizations, Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S., and Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional, State and Local Organizations. undefined

You can search for an organization or topic in the search box under the Encyclopedia. 


You can search within the series or you can select an edition. 




Connects donors and grantmakers to non-profit organizations. Search for organizations to see program, financial, and operations information for non-profit organizations. 

In the search box, type in a keyword or organization name. Then press search.

Once you can view your search results, you can limit your search by selecting Geography, Organization, Financials (on left-hand side of the screen).


When you select an organization, you will find a summary, programs & results, financials, and operations. 

For more information: