Scalar uses Google Maps to place items in their geographic context. There are two ways to foreground maps on your page. The first option is to embed an interactive map of media items in the body of your Scalar page, using the Scalar Map widget. The second option is to plot an interactive map of any items that your page contains or tags in the header (at the top of your page), using Google Map Layout. Please note that visualization through Scalar’s native map requires Google API keys. To create these visualizations, the media item must contain the geospatial coordinates of a location in either the Sdcterms:coverage or dcterms:spatial metadata field. The "Measuring Coordinates of Media Items" section of this page contains information on how to measure the geospatial coordinates of a location.
Once you get the geospatial coordinates of the location pertaining to your media item, you can add the information to Scalar by taking the following steps.
Once you have media items with respective geospatial coordinates, you can plot them to a map in the body of text using a Map widget, or in the header using Google Map Layout. Each fulfills a different function in the context of your argument, so please choose an appropriate style that best suits you. Below is how to do so.
You can embed as many maps you’d like. This strategy is effective if you want to encourage the reader to engage with the map as they read through your prose text or if you need to contextualize your media items because of their sensitive content.
Here is how you do it.
You can also embed a map in the header (at the top of your Scalar page). Media content on the map will display a thumbnail, link, and title. This display strategy is effective if you would like to make media items the central focus.
Here is how you do it.