The call number for Student protests is LB3610 or 378.198. Browsing the SSHEL Stacks or Main Stacks in this range could help you find sources.
That will take you to the EBSCO company's version of the ERIC database after you login through the proxy server with your NetID and password. Once you are on the EBSCO page, click on the name of the database above the search boxes. That will offer you a list of EBSCO databases to select. In addition to ERIC, select the other two education databases (Education Full-Text and Professional Development Collection) and SocIndex (to cover social policy and social justice topics). You may want to scan the other databases in the list to consider other possibilities for selection. Use the filters at the top to select Peer-Reviewed articles and to limit by date, for example, from 2000 to 2022.