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University Library


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Performing Arts

A guide designed to highlight DEIA resources for the performing arts including recommendations for diversifying your repertoire and suggestions for further reading.

Search Terms -- Music

Below are a few examples of subject headings related to DEIA topics and music. You can use them as search terms in the Library catalog to help you get started with your research!

Some general subject headings to try include:

  • Music -- Instruction and study -- Social aspects, Music -- Political aspects, Music -- Social aspects

Add modifiers for particular groups to narrow your search:

  • African American musicians, African American composers, Hispanic Americans in the performing arts
  • Musicians, Black; Music, Asian
  • African American music -- History and criticism

To find materials on disability and accessibility, try:

  • Musicians with disabilities, Composers with disabilities

For gender and sexuality in music, try:

  • Women in music, Women musicians, Women composers, Feminism and music
  • Gender identity in music
  • Homosexuality and music

*Remember, the terms used by library catalogs and other library resources represent the (US-centric, patriarchal, white) point of view of those who created them. There are many in the field working to change this practice.

Selected Readings -- Music

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