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EPS 580: Global Studies in Education: Assessing Resources

Class Guide for EPS580

Citation Indexing

Web of Knowledge (Web of Science) and Scopus are two databases which maintain citation statistics on the articles indexed in these databases. 



Evaluating What You Have Found

The following questions and hints will be helpful when you are trying to evaluate a resource for your research:

Authority or Author

  • Who is the author? Is it an individual or a corporate author?
  • What are the author’s credentials (education, experience, institutional affiliation)?
  • Does the author display a bias or unique perspective?

Hint – The Web of Science and Scopus are both useful in determining the citation history of a specific author.


  • Is the author writing on the subject of his or her expertise?
  • Is the author frequently cited/respected in the field of expertise?
  • When was the source published?
  • Is the publication date timely?
  • Who published the source? Does the publisher display a bias?
  • If published in a journal, is the journal peer-reviewed?

Hint –  To find information on the bias of organizations or publishers there are two print sources – the Right Guide (Q. 320.5202573 R4491997) and the Left Guide (Q. 320.51 L522) that may be of assistance.

Content of Information Source

  • Who is the intended audience?
  • How well does the source cover your topic? All/Part/None?
  • Why is the article being written?
  • Are sources being cited?
  • Are arguments logically presented?
  • Are conclusions based on evidence provided in the source?
  • Is there a list of cited sources?
  • If the source is a book, does it include an index?
  • Is this a primary or secondary source?

Hint –  Need help on how to cite resources?  Go to the OWL.

Any Remaining Issues

  • What is your overall impression of this source?
  • Are there any remaining questions you have about the source that might bring into question its appropriateness?