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University Library


Alexander Technique and Feldenkrais Method Guide

A guide to finding Library materials, reference sources, and articles on Alexander Technique and Feldenkrais Method.


This page explains how to search for books on the Alexander Technique and Feldenkrais Method using the library catalog. The box below includes recommended subject headings so that you can do some searching on your own, and the box at the bottom includes selected materials to get you started. 

Recommended Subject Headings

Each item in the library catalog is assigned one or more subject headings to tell you what it is about. You can search by subject heading using the catalog's Advanced Search feature. 

To search by subject in the catalog:

  • Open the Library catalog and click on "Advanced Search" to the right of the search bar
  • Underneath "Search filters", you'll see that the default is set to "Any Field"
  • Click on the arrow next to "Any Field" and select "Subject" from the drop-down menu
  • Try a search with one of the subject headings recommended below
  • Once you've found a relevant book in the catalog, you can also use the subjects listed in the record to find additional related materials

 Here are some suggested subject headings to help you retrieve the most helpful resources from the catalog:

  • Alexander technique
  • Alexander, F. Matthias (Frederick Matthias)
  • Feldenkrais method
  • Feldenkrais, Moshé
  • Musicians--Health and hygiene
  • Actors--Health and hygiene
  • Dancers--Health and hygiene
  • Music--Performance--Physiological aspects
  • Dance--Physiological aspects

Selected Books from the Catalog