Local Lending (Illinois Residents Only)
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
The Illinois Firefighter Line of Duty Deaths Digital Image Collection Database provides online access to digitized photographs and records, historical summaries, and oral history interviews that document the ultimate sacrifice of more than 800 Illinois firefighters over the past 150 years. Digital access to this history memorializes the firefighters, increases awareness of their sacrifice, and supplies contemporary firefighters with valuable lessons learned from the various deaths.
Access to magazines and journals is available to Illinois firefighters, fire departments, and other patrons at no charge. Photocopied articles from periodicals can be delivered to patrons via password-protected Internet access or interlibrary loan.
The library’s fire and emergency periodicals include
Other current periodicals available at the library include
The resources listed in this guide are useful for those looking for information regarding farm fires, farm equipment hazards, large animal rescue on the farm, and silo/grain bin emergencies. The guide is specifically targeted for those in the fire service and first responders, but can also be useful for farm owners/workers or researchers of these topics.
Browse topic-specific tabs for books in our catalog, free web resources, and other information relevant to Agricultural Emergencies.
Use this IFSI Home tab to find more information about the IFSI library and requesting materials.
The Illinois Fire Service Institute Library contains books, codes and standards, DVDs, CDs, periodicals, manuals, e-resources, audiobooks, and other fire emergency resources, totaling over 65,000 items. We serve all first responders in the state of Illinois. Materials can be requested in person, by phone or email, or online through our catalog. You can search our catalog by title, author, keyword, subject, or publisher, and choose the formats you want to see. Enter as few or as many search terms as you would like; the more search terms you use the fewer results you'll get, but the results will be more specific. If you live in Illinois and have a public library card, we can send materials to your public library via interlibrary loan. Anyone is also welcome to visit us in person!
Using popular subject headings is an efficient way of finding exploring IFSI resources and finding what you need. Using the library's Virtual Bookshelf, users can search Agricultural Emergency headings (below) and view related physical and digital items in our catalog.
Heading results will include an item's title and author as well as any applicable copyright and URL information. Clicking on a record title will provide more information about a particular item, including further subject description, format, and availability.
Illinois Fire Service Institute Library
Accessing IFSI Library Materials
The IFSI Library houses more than 65,000 items, including books, periodicals, manuals, codes and standards, DVDs, CDs, e-resources, audiobooks and other fire emergency resources. Users can request materials in-person, via telephone or email, or through the Online Public Access Catalog at the library website.
Searching the Library’s Collection
Browse by popular subject using the Virtual Bookshelf, which is linked from the IFSI Library’s homepage.
Search for a specific item, author, subject or format using the IFSI Library’s Online Public Access Catalog.
Library Hours:
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Monday - Friday
Special operating hours may be held during events.
IFSI Library Staff:
Lian Ruan, Head Librarian: lruan@illinois.edu
Diane Richardson, Reference & User Training Librarian: dlrichar@illinois.edu
David Ehrenhart, Assistant Director for Library Operations: ehrenha1@illinois.edu
IFSI Library Facebook:
Contact fsi-library@illinois.edu with any comments, questions, or concerns.