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University Library


Creating Accessible Documents in Word Processing and Presentation Software

Learn how to make your documents and presenations accessible to a wider audience.


This hands-on guide will teach you how to make common word processing documents accessible for screen readers, and how to make presentations accessible for a wide range of users. We’ll cover MS Word and PowerPoint, Google Docs, and PDFs, as well as general best practices for accessibility that you can incorporate across formats. This guide will give you readily implementable strategies and checklists you can start using immediately to ensure your research, teaching, and presentations are more accessible to diverse audiences. 

Navigating This Guide

If you are new to accessibility practices and want to learn how to make your documents and presentations more accessible, this guide will take you through the basic steps of the process, as well as connect you to other resources on accessibility.

Use the tabs to the left to navigate the guide. Look for the hands-on practice activities throughout to hone your skills!

About the Savvy Researcher

Savvy Researcher Workshop Series logo: a close-up of a fox's face with glasses underneath the slogan "I'm a Savvy Researcher!". The short URL for Savvy workshops ( appears beneath the fox.

The Library's Savvy Researcher Workshop Series brings information professionals together with graduate students and faculty to explore topics related to research and academic success. Some workshops are tool-based, some focus on a particular library resource, and others are topical, but the goal of all is to help you understand and use the library efficiently and effectively.

To explore other workshops in the series, be sure to check out our calendar below to browse upcoming topics.

Workshop Powerpoint and Slides

This is the Powerpoint presentation we used for our workshop. If you're interested in leading workshops on Accessibility, feel free to adapt the content according to your needs. We're also happy to take feedbacks or any suggestions on how we can do better as well. Please contact us through the Main Library TLAS unit. Our contact info can be found on the left side column.