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History 200: The 1970s

Land theft acknowledgment

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign occupies the lands of the Peoria, Kaskaskia, Piankashaw, Wea, Miami, Mascoutin, Odawa, Sauk, Mesquaki, Kickapoo, Potawatomi, Ojibwe, and Chickasaw Nations. These lands were the traditional territory of these Native Nations prior to their forced removal; these lands continue to carry the stories of these Nations and their struggles for survival and identity.


Shirley Chisholm campaign buttons, 1972. Chisholm was the first African-American candidate to run for president of the United States. From Stephanie Mitchell, "Pinning their hopes on buttons," Harvard Gazette, March 24, 2016, Photograph by Stephanie Mitchell. 


Use this guide to find background information,and primary and secondary sources for your research project.

If you have any questions about this guide, or about your research for this class, please don't hesitate to contact us!

Celestina Savonius-Wroth, PhD
Assistant Professor, University Library 
History, Religious Studies, Newspaper, and Jewish Studies Librarian 
Head, History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library
(217) 300 3520 |




Library skills self-assessment

How often do you use the University Library’s website?
Never: 1 votes (100%)
Rarely: 0 votes (0%)
Sometimes: 0 votes (0%)
Frequently: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 1
Have you attended a library skills/instruction session (remote or in person) for any other class before this one?
Yes: 0 votes (0%)
No: 1 votes (100%)
Total Votes: 1

For questions 3-8, please select the answer that best describes your level of familiarity with the resource

Library catalog
I have no idea what this is.: 0 votes (0%)
I have heard of this resource before, but am unsure what exactly it is or how to use it.: 2 votes (16.67%)
I have used this resource before, but would like to improve my skills using it.: 0 votes (0%)
I am satisfied with my current ability to use this resource.: 0 votes (0%)
I am an expert user of this resource.: 10 votes (83.33%)
Total Votes: 12
I have no idea what this is.: 1 votes (100%)
I have heard of this resource before, but am unsure what exactly it is or how to use it.: 0 votes (0%)
I have used this resource before, but would like to improve my skills using it.: 0 votes (0%)
I am satisfied with my current ability to use this resource.: 0 votes (0%)
I am satisfied with my current ability to use this resource.: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 1
Interlibrary loan
I have no idea what this is.: 0 votes (0%)
I have heard of this resource before, but am unsure what exactly it is or how to use it.: 0 votes (0%)
I have used this resource before, but would like to improve my skills using it.: 1 votes (100%)
I am satisfied with my current ability to use this resource.: 0 votes (0%)
I am an expert user of this resource.: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 1
I have no idea what this is.: 0 votes (0%)
I have heard of this resource before, but am unsure what exactly it is or how to use it.: 0 votes (0%)
I have used this resource before, but would like to improve my skills using it.: 1 votes (100%)
I am satisfied with my current ability to use this resource.: 0 votes (0%)
I am an expert user of this resource.: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 1
Library catalog
I have no idea what this is.: 0 votes (0%)
I have heard of this resource before, but am unsure what exactly it is or how to use it.: 2 votes (16.67%)
I have used this resource before, but would like to improve my skills using it.: 0 votes (0%)
I am satisfied with my current ability to use this resource.: 0 votes (0%)
I am an expert user of this resource.: 10 votes (83.33%)
Total Votes: 12
I have no idea what this is.: 1 votes (100%)
I have heard of this resource before, but am unsure what exactly it is or how to use it.: 0 votes (0%)
I have used this resource before, but would like to improve my skills using it.: 0 votes (0%)
I am satisfied with my current ability to use this resource.: 0 votes (0%)
I am an expert user of this resource.: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 1
What resource would you use to see if the Library had a copy of the book Saharan Myth and Saga by H.T. Norris?
Easy Search: 0 votes (0%)
JSTOR: 0 votes (0%)
Library Catalog: 0 votes (0%)
Historical Abstracts: 0 votes (0%)
Google Scholar: 1 votes (100%)
Zotero: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 1
If you wanted to find the Library’s print copy of a book on the shelf, which of the following pieces of information would you need?
the ISBN: 1 votes (100%)
the Call Number: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 1
If you wanted to find journal articles related to the topic of your course, what resources would you use? (Choose any that you think are relevant.)
Easy Search: 0 votes (0%)
JSTOR: 5 votes (100%)
Library Catalog: 0 votes (0%)
Historical Abstra: 0 votes (0%)
Google Scholar: 0 votes (0%)
Other: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 5

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